Now for the unexpected news. Carrying twins in general has higher risks associated than carrying just one baby. My appointment revealed that my cervix is shortening at a rapid rate which could lead to early labor. Two weeks ago the doctor measured my cervix at 3.7cm which is fairly short, but not reason to panic. This week my cervix had effaced to a 2.7. At 2cm we are in the danger zone and I would likely be hospitalized. I was shocked and immediately concerned when he read my measurement. Aaron was in Nebraska for the college World Series so Krystal came along. Thank goodness for great friends! Dr. D said to go home and rest until I could see a specialist who would determine if I need a cervical stitch (called a cerclage). He also prescribed Progesterone which should help strengthen my cervix. Dr D. spoke with the specialist and called me later in the day to let me know the she recommends bed rest from here on out. This means no work, no grocery store, no cooking dinner. I can shower and use the restroom. That's it. So much for my day at the pool and dinner in FTW with friends. The next several months will not be a the summer I planned for, but will be worth every minute spent on the couch as long as Grayson and Hallie are healthy and safe in my tummy until it's time for their arrival. Each week will be an achievement.
I am very blessed to work for a company who is so understanding and supportive. No one expected bed rest this early, but they didn't bat an eyelash when I let them know our situation. I will work from home during the week which will allow me to manage my home buyers on contract until their closings and give me something to occupy my time during the day.
The first day and a half has been relaxing. Mom stayed with me over night and I've had several visitors stop by already. Aaron came around 7:00 and heated up a yummy lasagna his mom dropped off. I was very happy to have him home with me and glad he was able to have some fun before he has to wait on me hand and foot. I've read up on some things to do and things to avoid to keep me healthy and sane during the next several months.
I see the specialist Monday morning. In the mean time I pray that these precautions will be effective and I will get as close as possible to full term. The babies are viable at 24 weeks, but our goal is to get way beyond that. Ideally, I will make it to 34-38 weeks.
We are putting our trust and faith in God to carry us to the finish line!
Here are our two little angels at 22 weeks.
Grayson (baby A) is on top and Hallie (baby B) on bottom.
Aaron thinks Hallie looks like him. I think she might!
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