
18 Months

My 'babies' are a year and a half!  I still call them babies, and yes, probably always will.  I fully understand they are toddlers, but I am not quite ready to say so (despite being corrected a few times already.)  The older they get the faster the time goes.  Do all moms spend the early years wondering how the time passes so very quickly??  Are all moms overwhelmed with love and emotion at these milestones, regardless of how hard the day/week/month has been?  Do all moms experience 'Mom guilt' for anything and everything (working, not working but sometimes wanting to, patience or lack of, needing a day off, breast feeding or not, letting them eat proceeded foods, allowing Mickey Mouse to entertain for thirty minutes while I sit and space out) ?  The list goes on.  And on.  I've learned so much, but have so much still to learn.  My constant prayer is that I will parent with patience, grace, self control, joy and love.  It's a daily struggle to be all things to these precious people entrusted in my care.  I do my best and trust He will carry me the rest of the way.  Motherhood is beautiful, messy, exhausting and rewarding; all wrapped into one (or more) sweet, cuddly, moody, snotty little being.  I am so grateful for the privilege of watching them learn and grow.  It's the coolest thing in the world to see your tiny baby transform into a walking, talking and thinking person.  Who will she become? What will his passions be?  What will they dream of?  Wow!

As of right now, we are watching two very different toddlers, (there I said it) learn and experience the world.

Grayson is 'all boy', as my mom would say.  He climbs, wrestles, head butts and tackles his way around the house.  He says several words, but on his own time, and rarely when encouraged.  He belly laughs when he is tickled, and lights up when he sees animals at the zoo.   Water is his jam.  The dog bowl, the bath, his water table and any running water thrill him to no avail.  He falls, gets up and goes after what he wants.  It's fascinating to watch him learn to take things apart and put things back together.  He watches us and then repeats to the best of his ability.  He was quick to figure out how to open our doors, which makes for a busy mamma!  The word no is more of a light suggestion as far as G is concerned.  The only effective time out is putting him in his crib for 45 seconds.  We have tried other methods and he laughs, so crib it it.  Fortunately, it's not often, but happens on the occasion he outs his hand inside the fireplace or hits sister.  Grayson's little spirit is so full or joy and wonder.  He is my light.

Hallie is sweet as can be, and little sensitive too.   She is experiencing a language explosion that has been so much fun for all of us and her memory is amazing.  She answers questions, calls, jabbers non-stop and repeats everything we say. Shortly after she started saying her name, she started calling Grayson by her name.  She associates him with her, as I am sure many twins do.  If we ask her where Grayson is, she will point to him, and say very proudly, Hallie!  She has trouble with G's and only smiles and grins when we ask her to say Grammy.  Grammy is dying to hear her name!  Hallie loves to hold her stuffed animals and pushes them in her play stroller. Adorable!  She has a sweet little smile and smirk when she knows she has said or done something funny.  She is very gentle and soft in her touch.  This little girl makes us laugh day in and day out with her smarts and sweet expressions.

Both love the outdoors and reading books.   I like to think they got that from me, ha! We do a lot of both during our day.  Getting out of the house is a little harder when it's just the three of us, as they are bigger, faster and more opinionated about what we do.  Certain activities are saved for when I have help, such as playing at the park, being near water ect.  They tend to go in opposite directions so we stick to visiting friends/family or places they can sit their stroller. I'm a little bummed we can't do swim play dates with my friends this summer, but such is life with twins!  We have entered a phase of not wanting to share mommy's lap or arms.  I have mastered the shared lap and often have to sit down where ever we are, because both need to be held NOW.   While they don't necessarily play together they follow each other and play near each other most of the time.  I can't wait to see their interaction and bond grow over the years.

Love. Joy. Patience. Self Control. Peace.  Gentleness. Goodness. All things I pray to embody and want to exemplify in my home.  As one friend often says, they are watching and listening, soaking in each word.  It's a BIG role, and I pray and commit to giving it my all.

Grayson and Hallie, you complete me!  Love, Momma