
(Almost) 29 Week Update

The babies both passed the third trimester screening and testing today with flying colors.  As usual they were bouncing all over the place. The doctors always comment on how busy they are. My cervix continues to shorten week to week. I am currently measuring between 1.4 - 1.07cm.... Not much left to work with! Once it shortens behind the cerclage there is risk a membrane may rupture (in other words my water breaking). Today we could see Grayon's hand waving around right by the stitch. Eek, kind of scary!  Dr.C wants us to be overly cautious and go to the hospital if I have 3 contractions within an hour. If this happens they will do everything they can to stop labor. I asked her again if she feels we will make 32 weeks and she said it's very possible. Prayers up! Everyday we are closer to less risk of major and long term complications, but of course in all preemies development issues are a concern. A common concern prior to 27 weeks is the possibility of  bleeding in the brain. I am beyond relieved to have passed that point and as I say every week, grateful to be one week further.

Next week, on mom's birthday, we will hit our 30 week goal. August 15th I'm ready for you!

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