
Oink, Cluck, Moo... Grayson and Hallie are TWO

And just like that, I have two two year olds!  We celebrated with our family, a few friends and our favorite barnyard animals.  Grayson and Hallie are thrilled with all things animal so we had a petting zoo for their special day.  They were in heaven until the goat nibbled on Hallie's ear and Grayson was pushed down to avoid being stepped on by the cow.  Otherwise, the party went off without a hitch.
We spent their actual birthday at home taking dealing with the stomach bug.  Hallie woke up fussing fairly early which is unusual for her.  We plopped her bed with us to cuddle until Grayson woke up.  We brought them out to the new table Papa and Nana got for them, sat them down in front of their gifts and started to sing.  Meanwhile, Hallie is crying, and I assume it's because I picked up Grayson and not her to bring them in the living room.  Mid Happy Birthday song, she throws up all over her birthday card and gift.  Poor girl was sick and I thought she was just moody!  Shortly after, Grayson threw up a couple times.  We spent the day watching movies instead of our plan to "ride de horsey' (the carousel) and go to Chucky-Cheese.  Thankfully, Aaron and I didn't get it and the twins were better by the end of the day.  I was off to New York the following day and was so glad I wasn't leaving a sick family behind.  That might go down as the easiest bug in history.

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